Green Leaf Sideways

Facial Reflexology

Facial reflexology delivers all the benefits of traditional foot reflexology, but with the added benefit of providing rejuvenation for your skin. This added bonus is due to the lifting and sculpting of your facial muscles that takes place during the treatment.

Facial reflexology is able to induce a deep state of relaxation instantaneously as the proximity of the facial reflex points are close to the brain and central nervous system.

The Zone Lift Facial is a luxurious therapy that has been devised by ’facial reflexologist’ to the stars ‘Ziggy Bergman’. Zone Face Lift is a blend of classic reflexology, Asian body mapping, Ancient Shamanic healing techniques, Japanese facial mapping, Crystals and Gua Sha techniques which create the most transformative, none invasive facial treatment available renowned for removing as much as 10 years of ageing over a 12 week programme.

Zone lift can eliminate the need for Botox and offers a natural alternative to dermal fillers; it is all about ageing naturally and well.

Facial Reflexology at Beauty & Complimentary Health
Facial Reflexology at Beauty & Complimentary Health
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